The Antithesis of Positive Attraction

Everyone is familiar with the concept; send out good vibes and good vibes echo back. A slew of trite new age bullshit has been published and gluttonously consumed by the worldwide market in every possible medium. There are many flaws in this seemingly simple philosophy of "self-help" come anti-doctrinal spirituality but one pisses me off above all. If all good things echo back of good things we do and think and feel, then all bad things are equally manifested by our own subconscious desires and conscious intentions.

By that logic, all abused women "deserve it" every molested child "had it coming" and every state of misfortune, destitution, despair and tribulation is, equally, something we make for ourselves to teach ourselves some important lesson about the nature of our existence and to define who we want to be. Well, thanks for clearing that up for me. I guess in my next life as a 7 year old boy I will try to remember not to seem so damned provocative to sexually frustrated men. Perhaps if I had only "loved myself" more I would have not been born to a drug addict, or maybe it was just "karma" from a past life... Or maybe some shit happens to some of us that is out of our control, not our choice, and defines us in a different way. Maybe there isn't just one universal "secret" to turning everything around and making us all shiny happy people holding hands and singing "kumbi-fucking-ya" 'round the bonfire.

This is my hypothesis; if positive attraction works on a principle of resonance, then there may be other methods of manifesting change which are dependent on a different resonance.

For those who are unfamiliar with my work in this field, what I call "resonance" is the relative harmonic frequency of an energy signature. If sending out "positive vibes" invites positive response it is likely because of a "harmonic resonance" or matched energetic frequency.

So, the flip side of this coin is that all negative manifestations are products of negative thought forms and actions. The idea is that these thoughts and actions exist as a wavelength or energy unto themselves and that like attracts like on some quantum energetic plane where the energies responsible for the eventual manifestation exists. Presuming that attraction works differently on this quantum energetic plane than it does on the physical one where we have seen time and time again that OPPOSITES tend to be attracted then what hope is there for the congenitally negative?

I am sorry, I just can't buy that an infant, neigh and EMBRYO chooses a life of pain, abuse and suffering... or is somehow predestined for it because they were "bad" in a past life. If that were the case, in the long ages of our existence, I think everyone would have learned by now not to be "bad" anymore and, therefore, there would be no more "bad" families for children to be born into and no more "bad" influences to turn a person from that state of pure love and innocence. Ergo, the only logical conclusion is that there must be a state of "congenital negativity" a mutation or disease that causes some people to simply resonate negative in the same way that others resonate positive.

Now that we are balls-deep in presumptions, why not just ride this puppy out and see where it take us? Okay, so negativity is now an illness which can be cured by re-attuning to a different base frequency via rigorous realignment of thought patterns. Okay, so what of those so steeped in negative energy that they simply cannot be tuned to a higher frequency? These poor souls who are born into it, grow up in it, and live in it every day of their lives or are simply genetically predisposed to "negative" thought patterns and the resonant field thus manifested should not have to resign themselves to die in their own filth as the prevailing philosophy suggests.

First of all, lets get rid of this idea of "negativity" as a synonym for bad, evil, sick, disturbed, sad, etc. etc. These concepts, I think, are more imposed by a societal standard that is out of sync with other resonant fields. In other words, I think we are sad because people tell us we should be sad more often than we are actually sad, just as one example. Let's look at this instead from a mathematical perspective. If 0 is true neutral then "positive" means moving up the line and "negative" means moving down. If the world around us, say a pleasant, upper-middle class suburban neighborhood is a 5 then "negative" from there could be anything from 1-4 and still be in the "positive" range from true neutral. If it were a sound then the resonance would still register in the "high" range though it would be "lower" than the others, a bit flat. Well it isn't much trouble to tweak your voice a little bit to get back in harmony with the other voices if you are "a bit flat" and that, I think is how the "positive attraction" thing works and why it tends to be more popular with people of a certain ilk.

Let us consider those of "lower" resonance, not "negative" in the prevailing way of looking at it but rather as baritones in an alto choir. Obviously out of sync with the others around them, but not entirely incapable of creating a newer, richer harmony.

From the position of metaphysics, I can think of no better example than the title character from the movie "The Crow" staring the late Brandon Lee in his historic final performance. Here we see a "super hero" of sorts returned from the dead as vengeance incarnate. His "super powers" are that he cannot die, cannot be wounded and can transmit all of the pain and fear he has experienced into his nemesis. A creature fueled by hate, born in bloodshed and thoroughly saturated with torment sounds quite "negative" to those who prefer their angels clothed in white and playing lilting tunes on celestial harps but is he any less an angel than those avenging creatures of the old testament in terms of action and intent? Maybe there is an unexplored use for this "negative energy" that has yet to be fully explored because the happy, self-affirming, "positive" messages sell better to people looking to feel validated. (Yeah... I went there...)

If "positive attraction" is one principle then the logical antithesis would be "negative repulsion" or using energy of a lower resonant frequency to push back or nullify a competing energy form. To take the pain, the fear, the hate, resentment, and inner turmoil and use it as fuel to power a vehicle for change. It is no different than using self-hypnosis to guide the mind to see the positive already apparent and change self-destructive patterns, which is exactly what twelve-step programs and other philosophies built on positive attraction do. You are using an energy pattern to affect change in either case. The only difference is in the energy you are drawing from. I believe it would be much simpler to tap into a wavelength closer to your own than to try and attune to one so far from where you actually are. Energy is just energy and all energy is power. Perhaps the resolution to the "dark night of the soul" need not be the blinding daylight we are lead to believe is the only path to true salvation. Perhaps there is solace also in the night.

Those who have been here will know immediately what I am talking about. For some of us, life is less about what we see and more about what we feel. We prefer the quite peace of a moonlight stroll by the water over bright lights, loud music and fast cars. We define ourselves, and others, by our experiences, what we have been through, rather than by our looks and achievements. Sometimes the pain is all we have and without the trials and tribulation we endure we would be nothing. The past hurts, but it is our past, our history, and the foundation upon which we stand. We can use this energy, singing our songs in deep, mournful tones, knowing that is a song of hope, of challenges met and adversity overcome. We can tap into that deep well of emotion, all that anger and fear and remorse, use it to show the truth of consequence and turn the hearts and minds of others by simply opening up and bearing our scarred souls to the harsh light in which others revel with their blissful ignorance. Remember always that it was not dark but "light" which drove the crusades and inquisitions, all in effort to "save souls" and wipe out heretical beliefs which challenged the status-quo. Our shadows remind us that there are places which light does not penetrate. Yae though we may look to the light, the darkness is always right there behind us.

For a clinical perspective on how positive thinking is actually harmful read this article.


  1. I like this. It actually seems to make sense to me. I can't always do all the positive light views. I agree that children sexually abused or abused in any form don't deserve it. I'll have to think about this from a practical perspective.

    This may make it easier to work for changes when my depression and and anxiety seem to overwhelm the rest of my world.


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