Unified lineage of divine origins.

The purpose of this writing is to illustrate the pan-cultural associations and understanding that mankind has always existed along side beings whom possessed supposedly super-natural abilities and knowledge. It is my belief that these stories are not myth, nor are they of alien astronauts, shape shifters or time travelers. I believe they are the tales of our own divine origins and illustrations of our ultimate potential as a species. Some of us have "unlocked" these dormant abilities, others are born with the "spark" and others still must be "activated" by way of initiation, usually at the hands of someone else who has bee attuned to their higher state. All the same, these powers are our birthright and the key to understanding our world and our place in the universe.

Name/title "meaning" - cross-cultural equivalents-
(noteworthy information)
_types or names of beings among them
__ additional sub-classification
Begat by the above
and so on..

El Elyon and Asherah- Heaven and Earth (in which ever name or religious conceptualization you would have it)- God and the Queen of Angels- Light and Darkness, etc.
Angels (from earliest available cosmology)
_ Chayot HaKodesh "Holy Living Ones"
_ Ophanim "wheels"
_ Erelim "brave ones"
_ Hashmallim "glowing/electric/amber ones"
_ Seraphim "burning ones" also "serpent"
_ Cherubim (NOT childlike putto from art)- karabu "propitious ones" (In Mesopotamian lore they served the Lamassu which bear the same traits as the "heavenly beasts" of revelation and the tarot. Both karabu and lamassu are considered protectors and keepers of balance and secrets. Sometimes seen as tutelary beings or emotionless judges and enforcers)
(remaining are wingless)
_ Malakim "God's grace" (messengers)
_ Elohim; literally "gods" understood in early Hebrew religion as "lesser gods"
Bene Elohim "sons of Gods"
_ Ishim (meaning "man-like" ie passing for human)- Yazata "divine sparks"
Amesha Spentas (the "seven archangels" are derived from this older Zoroastrian source)
__ [Vohu] Manah, "[Good] Purpose"
__ Aša [Vahišta] "[Best] Truth/Righteousness"
__ Xšaira [Vairya], "[Desirable] Dominion"
__ [Spenta] Armaiti, "[Holy] Devotion"
__ Haurvatat, "Wholeness"
__ Ameretat, "Immortality"
__ Archangels; consistently listed are Raphiel, Michael, Gabriel. Earliest additional names are Uriel, Simiel, Orphiel, Raguel. Pseudo Dionysus lists, instead of these, Chamuel, Jophiel, Zadkiel. Names given in other sources are Azrael, Cecitiel, Marmoniel, Selaphiel, Barachiel amd Metatron
_ Grigori "watchers" (according to enoch were 200 lead by the following)
__ Sêmîazâz (leader among watchers) Arâkîba, Râmêêl, Kôkabîêl, Tâmîêl, Râmîêl, Dânêl, Êzêqêêl, Barâqîjâl, Asâêl, Armârôs, Batârêl, Anânêl, Zaqîêl, Samsâpêêl, Satarêl, Tûrêl, Jômjâêl, Sariêl
_ Lilith, Na'amah, Eisheth Zenunim, and Agrat Bat Mahlat ("four angels of sacred prostitution" from the Zohar. Consorts of both Azâzêl and Samael, who did not fall)
Nephilim- Daemon- Naga- Asura- vanir
_ Azâzêl (nephilimic "Christ" from Enoch)
Anakim- anunnaki- DeDanann- Asir- Deva- Djinn
_ Emim "fearful (as in terrifying) ones"- Fomorians- marid- jotnar
_ Rephaim "dead ones"- fir Bolg- guhl- disir
_ Gibborim "mighty ones"- ifrit
Igigi- elementals- fae- alfar/swartalfar- otherkin, therians etc.
Zamzummim "buzzers"- Roma, Ammonites, Aryans (Indo-Aryans, not white supremacists) Celts, Picts, and many other ancient races who's legends recognize divine beings having once been in their midst. Also incarnated or "walk in" spirits who take human form such as bodhisattvas and people who transformed themselves through mysticism such as the Toltecs.

To explain,
It could be said that El Elyon begat YHWH who created the Elohim and from those did make the Grigori, which where more like to man and served as emissaries and mediators between the hosts of heaven and of earth that the heavenly might better understand the earthly. The watchers (grigori) took wives of the daughters of men and thus were born the nephilim, who possessed the secrets of heaven and of earth and revealed them unto mankind. From the nephilim came the anakim (anunnaki, also DeDanann, both meaning "people of Anu") and, from them, the igigi
Put more simply, every religion has a "primordial void" and from that the "source of creation" or demiurge emerges. All religions also have "beings of divine lineage". For the purposes of Biblical comparison;
El Elyon ("I AM THAT I AM" also is "God Most High" served by Melchizedek and Jesus, a priest after the order of Melchizedek. This concept Of God came before those of YHWH, Jehovah and Yasua (Joshua) and by some accounts is their superior deity. The word "Elohim" is sometimes used in Hebrew translations of the Bible for "God" but it is also the general term for "the angels" and in fact translates literally to "the gods" as in "subordinate deities to God Most High" because early Hebrews were henotheists, meaning they believe that all gods are more or less valid, but that their One God is superior and if you will only re-read the old testament with that in mind you will find it abundantly clear that this is true.
Now the Elohim begat the nephilim, who are essentially demigods and from them came the "giants" and "mighty ones" etc. Who, in the bible, were tribes of Anakim which is a cognate of Anunnaki "people of Anu". We even see them mirrored all the way over in Ireland as the "tuatha de danann" also meaning "people of Danu" or "Anu" as she was later called. This same goddess is seen in vedic (early Hindu) tradition as well with the same attributes.
From the Anakim come the igigi, sons of sons of gods (Elohim) and are "once again risen" this interpretation being arrived at if we see the anunnaki as "the heavenly ones who dwell on earth" (translation from akkadian) for igigi translates to "those who watch from between heaven and earth" there is also an allusion to "doors" and thus it may mean something like "gate keepers"
2 Adam and Eve were called "ish and asha" meaning "man and wife" while the "ishim" were a choir of "manlike angels" conversely known as "Eben Elohim" literally "sons of gods (or angels)" and "Ashra" was once worshiped by early Hebrews as "Wife of God" and an integral part of the religion until her worship was outlawed. The similarities between these words yields up profound wisdom.
Whether through Adam and Eve, Eben Elohim, nephilim, anakim or igigi, we all share in some part a divine lineage.
"Those who fell and rise again" that is what "anunnaki"means. Children of An, known as as Anu in the Vedas or Danu in Ireland, and her tribe, the "tuatha DeDanann" were beings of fairness and wisdom unsurpassed. Enoch named us "nephilim" the forbidden produce of angels and humans, we are also the Arya or "shining ones" And, of course, "aryan" or "Arian" became the buzz word for another low point in history. It has all been by design. Once Gods among men, now demons in sheep's skin. We are the same, only the world is different. We can still change it. In fact, it's precisely what we are here for.
What you know as old myths and legends are all true. The world was very different once. Magic was commonplace and beings of fantastic race were known to interact with human kind. Then, A group of elitist seized power and sought to control and subjugate everyone else, and succeeded. The past 2000 years or so have been fraught with lies and disinformation being drip-fed to generations to keep you asleep, ignorant, weak and subservient.

We are, as we have always been, the heralds of the new age. Enoch says we taught man the arts, sciences, mathematics, metallurgy, alchemy and, yes, magic. He also says we were damned for it and that the first apocalypse was sent to wipe us out. In truth, we endured. We are here to give power back to the many, to spare the vanquished and and subdue the proud. Magic is not myth. It is your birthright and key to your evolution and salvation. Think of it as "organic technology" a means to do on your own what you have been taught to use machines for. You toil away you lives in service of an intricate system of illusions designed to keep you ignorant of your true potential and busy at things that do not matter which you have been groomed to think of vital importance. We are the order of Prometheus, bringing the fire of divine TRUTH to the masses. Damned for our efforts yet still devoted to our cause, for this world is a sacred place and we WILL see the temple restored.
