Myths, or Multidimensional Realities?

Watching a lecture by Neil DeGrasse Tyson on "Inexplicable Universe" where he brought up a question which keeps him up at night. He prefaced by explaining that at some point in the future all of the other galaxies which we are able to observe will be pushed beyond our horizon. It will seem, at that time, that our galaxy IS the entire universe, and there will be no evidence to support any notion otherwise. He the presented the question "what if right now we are missing a piece of the picture?" This would make it impossible to prove or quantify a certain part of our universe. Ever.

That got me thinking, what about all those tales of mythical creatures and otherworldly beings of mysterious power? What if they were never myths at all, but extradimensional entities made observable by the closer proximity of our respective planes of existence? What if a force similar to, or even the same as that which pushes the galaxies farther and farther apart has already made the connection between overlapping dimensions so tenuous that it is barely (if at all) perceptible and we failed to create any means of detecting them before it was too late? It might explain why the oldest legends make it seem as though these beings existed right alongside humanity in a very tangible way (even to the point of interbreeding with humans in some cases) yet, over time, the sightings became fewer and their forms faded from solid, to ghost-like, to voices on the wind and, finally, to silence and nothingness. The bones of giants and dragons would have faded from existence as they passed out of phase with our reality along with the garden of Eden and the Isle of Atlantis. Perhaps the proof of a multidimensional universe was right in front of us for most of human history and only recently passed beyond the horizons of our perception. Perhaps tales of other worlds, both fantastic and terrible, were spawned from rare glimpses or accounts from beyond the veil of our own dimension. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so one being's hell may be the heaven of another.It is easy to see how humans, so predisposed to prejudice and fear of what they cannot understand, would believe some of the beings to be evil and terrifying.

It is an interesting notion. Just think of all the things we can never know for sure because the evidence simply slipped beyond our grasp. Think of all the wonders in this universe we may have already missed due to skepticism and cynicism. All the advancements we may have made and things we could have accomplished if only we seized that window of opportunity. Indeed we may have already done back in those days when the world was young. The many cities and monuments of stone of impossible size and precision which baffle scientists to this day may be the evidence of some forgotten technology common to us at the time because our layered reality made it possible. Some believe it was "aliens" and perhaps, in a way, they are right, but it was not beings from another planet in the universe, but from another version of THIS planet albeit in a what would technically be another universe. A better man than me may yet find the equation that justifies this notion or some fragment of evidence may come to light... but it may be that the only proof that ever was passed long ago into the realm of myth to remain there until all the old stories are forgotten and the old magic, the technology of our ancestors, is utterly forgotten and fades into oblivion.
