The non-believer's guide to magic

How can a grown man, who claims to be an educated student of the sciences and even boast a genius level IQ possibly believe in something as juvenile and outlandish as magic? Well, Einstein said something along the lines of "if you cannot explain a thing simply, you do not understand it well enough" and the simplest explanation of magic is one I have used innumerable times- magic is science which is not yet fully understood. Simple as that. Time, we know, is relative. That is a fact. It is nothing more than the byproduct of the perspective of a limited existence. We have not unlocked time travel, but it is not theoretically impossible. Imagining for a moment we did unlock time travel and we showed our current technology to people nit just of the distant past but of 200, 100, or even 50 years ago and they would probably tell you it seems like magic. Explain things like the internet, electricity and magnetism, basic things we live with every day and still they sound like magic. We are surrounded by invisible forces, some of which even our brightest scientists do not fully understand, yet we still utilize and benefit from these forces on a daily basis. Why should "magic" be any different?

Here is what we know. The Ph.D's  have done the math and the notion of layered quantum reality is now widely accepted. That's physics. Over in neuroscience we have discovered that our perceptions are actually quite limited as far as the amount of information present in reality and the amount we actually process, however, we have also determined that humans do in fact possess many more than the commonly accepted "five senses" so the concept of "extrasensory perception" (or perhaps EXTRA sensory perception) is not all that far fetched. We also know that there are different brainwave frequencies and that these are intrinsically connected to various states of consciousness and work output. Some have even displayed consistent increase in certain waves in conjunction with the performance of supposedly fictitious abilities such as remote viewing and telepathy. The evidence is there, it has just been ignored or swept under the rug for fear of damaging reputations. We know that reality is perceived by each individual in a completely different way, so much so that if we all look at a color plate and agree that what we see is called "blue" there is no way to determine with certainty that each observer is not seeing what another might call "orange" or "silver" and this, too is scientific fact.

Reality, from the quantum point of view, is nothing more than a mass of interacting wavelengths and energy fields. There can be no objective reality in the strictest sense because "reality" requires an observer. Everything we consider to be physically substantial is made up of more than 90% empty space with a bunch of atoms inexplicably held together in a particular structure which ultimately results in something we call "chair" or "human" which only remain separate from each other because the atoms are magnetically repelled from one another. All we are, all anything is, is energy. Period. Energy can be harnessed and manipulated, we do it every day in more ways than we can count... or are even aware of. Atoms vibrate at a specific frequency, mental and emotional states produce certain wavelengths. Vibrations interact with one another and influence one another. If we could only master these frequencies we could adjust them any way we want. That, my friends, is what most call "magic."

Magic is not nonsensical words, waving sticks in the air or sparks flying from fingertips. True, some people use sound, movement, physical objects or creative visualization to help facilitate the process and guide their consciousness in the desired direction but these things are not what make magic happen. The really interesting part is that most people do not believe in magic and find no evidence to support such belief and that TOO is true, at least for them. As it turns out, our thoughts influence our perceptions and our perceptions are how we define our reality, SO for those who believe magic does NOT exist, it simply does't and, likewise, for those who do believe magic exists, it simply DOES. One could almost say that each individual exists in their own little world, their own "quantum bubble" if you will. Just as some "bubbles" remain separate due to space or surface tension, while others collide and give way, merging into a lager bubble, so too do we drift through the universe. A person adept at using magic can perform magic all day long right before the eyes of a non-believing observer and that observer will always find a way to rationalize and discount what is being done. If a person chooses to live by default, to accept whatever drifts their way, letting the bubbles absorb or repel at random rather than by conscious choice and effort, that is what will happen. This is what a non-magical life is and how most people choose to exist. If, however, you choose to expand your awareness, to understand that reality goes beyond your limited shell and that you can will your "bubble" to drift in a certain direction and to absorb or repel those realities which you choose then you may begin to train yourself to mater the vibrations and shift your reality. That is a magical life, and it is within reach of all of us.

Speaking of "within reach" you may be wondering why, if all this is true, people are not zipping through the air on broomsticks or shooting fireballs from their hands. Well, I would first point out that even if they were you would not perceive it because you do not accept it as part of your reality... but then no one really does. If we go back to our "bubble" analogy, certain realities (the bubbles) exist in close proximity to your own while others are much further away. That is why generating heat, for example. is much more likely than hurling spontaneously manifested balls of fire. Monks and yogis have been generating heat for centuries, and can do it quite reliably though there is no scientific explanation as to how. Some can even direct it to a specific area of the body or even outside of the body for use in healing and massage for instance. I am not making this up, it has actually been observed and recorded. So, might it be possible for a person to create fire, sure, Enough heat directed at a specific spot on a combustible material is all it takes, but even then a burning ball of nothing but air is highly improbable. Magic is the alteration and manipulation of energies within the sphere of our reality. The things we perceive are the energies which are closest to us. The more fantastical something is, the further from our position it is likely to be and, therefore, the harder it would be for us to merge our reality with that one. If athletes can perform outstanding physical feats using visualization why can't the same be applied to other things? Many successful people have done so. It is all about bringing yourself closer to a particular reality, and sometimes that means putting in the effort to reprogram and tweak your perceptions a bit. Don't be discouraged by not being able to instantly manifest whatever you want, give yourself time to drift toward that reality, and be persistent in your pursuit. Likewise, do not allow the fantastical to be the standard by which you gauge "real magic" because sparks of color and fairy dust would require spontaneous manifestation of concentrated plasma and have nothing to do with, say, making yourself appear more attractive, which is just a matter of increased pheromone output. Even seemingly grand feats can be quite simple at their core, and as long as you stay focused on what is important without giving yourself reasons to doubt I KNOW that even you can perform feats of magic almost effortlessly after a little practice. You do not have to believe in God or sell your soul to the Devil, you do not have to unearth some ancient tome or train under a grand wizard in a tower at the edge of reality, all you have to do is accept that there is more to our universe than meets the eye and that you do have a measure of control over how you experience it and what happens in it. You turn the key in your car's ignition and take for granted that it will start. You do not have to know how the car works to believe it will go. If it doesn't, you begin to analyze the situation, adding fuel or checking the battery, but you do not assume that the car must not exist because it does not start on the first try. Magic is like the car and I have given you the key. It is there for all of us to use and can take us to new realities if we let it. It all starts with little more than taking for granted its existence just as we do all the other tools and forces in our universe we do not fully understand.
